Cookies Use

Cookies Use

This site (“”) does not use cookies, session cookies or tracking pixels of any kind for storing or retrieving information on the computers, smartphones, tablets or devices of visitors.

What is a cookie or tracking pixel?

A Cookie is defined as:

A cookie is a small file created by some websites when visitors access that website and then stored in the settings of the web browser of the visitor. The existence and identity of a cookie can usually be established either by the IP address of the website or its name as a record in the web browser settings for cookies. A cookie then enables the storage and retrieval of data between the website and the computer, smartphone, tablet or other device of the visitor. A session cookie is a form of cookie where a second small file is also created and stored on a related server to the website using cookies. Session cookies are often used to store important information on a server rather than the computer of the visitor. A tracking pixel is a small transparent image file, often just 1 pixel by 1 pixel, that loads onto a web page or web enabled email for tracking and reporting purposes.

Privacy concerns of all forms of cookies

While cookies and tracking pixels cannot carry viruses, and cannot install malware on the host computer, tracking cookies and especially third-party tracking cookies are commonly used as way to compile long-term records of individuals' browsing histories. Privacy Laws and regulations in many countries and regions around the world now legally require sites that use cookies to physically disclose this fact to visitors and to allow visitors to “opt out” in not having to use cookies.

Security concerns of all forms of cookies

All forms of cookies, especially session cookies are a major security vulnerability for the disclosure of personal and sensitive data. Firstly, cookies destined for the web browser of a visitor can be intercepted or read with relative ease, using off-the-shelf hacking and malicious sniffing tools. Session cookies that are stored on a server environment are especially vulnerable given dedicated bots across the internet now look for and target such functions. Consequently, the use of cookies for the store and retrieval of personal or sensitive data represents a major security vulnerability, even if efforts are made to restrict access and unauthorised use.

This Site does not use cookies

As first stated, this site does not use cookies, session cookies or tracking pixels of any kind (including but not limited to any form of third party cookies or tracking pixels) for storing or retrieving information on the computers, smartphones, tablets or devices of visitors. Consequently, this site fully complies with all available privacy and disclosure legislation concerning this particular subject.

Cookies from advertisers

We may run or accepted paid for advertising campaigns from time to time from other parties. Advertisers might use cookies to track various things like how many times you have seen an ad, or whether you have clicked on an ad before. While we cannot presume or specify every possible campaign or use, we can clearly confirm that as a policy we do not subscribe to any behavioural advertising solutions.

Third party plug-in cookies

We may use plug-in tools from verified thirty party sites from time to time to provide users with additional features, services or rewards. Such plug-in tools may rely upon cookies in order to function properly.

Third party websites

We may partner with other companies to provide you with services that have the same look and feel but are powered by the partner. The partner sites are responsible for their own cookie policy and this will be reflected on their website.

Other websites

From time to time we link to other third party websites from articles and newsletters. We may have commercial relationships with these websites. We are not responsible for their use of cookies so please be sure to check the equivalent of this page on their website for more information on how they use cookies.

More Information

If you require more information or you have a question regarding our Cookies Policy, then please Contact us via the contact form on this site.

[Updated as at: January 1, 2022]